QUIROPRÁTICA para Babies and children

The first chiropractic appointment can be done from the very first days of your baby's life.

From the very first moments of our children's lives we worry about ensuring their health, well-being and healthy growth. We take them to the pediatrician, the dentist, the ophthalmologist. Among all these check-ups, the one of the spine and nervous system should not be forgotten.

It is during the first years of life that the greatest development of our spine and nervous system occurs. For this reason, many spinal health related problems we experience as adults actually originate in the early stages of life.

The first vertebral subluxations usually occur early in the womb due to the position of the baby, or at the time of delivery, and can lead to symptoms occurring or worsening from the very first days:

  • Colic
  • Otitis
  • Intestinal problems
  • Respiratory problems
  • Difficulty moving the head, often translated into difficulty in being breast feeded from one side
  • Difficulty in motor development
Quiroprata a ajustar bebé na clínica quiroprática Duarte Portas Lisboa

Throughout their growth, there are many more situations in which children can suffer subluxations: from learning how to walk to riding a bike, all the falls while playing, the heavy backpacks they carry to school, or adopting bad postures for long periods of time. Ensuring that our children's spines remain fully functioning promotes not only development for a healthy future life, but also prevention and recovery from the challenges they typically face at this age - such as injury, low immunity, or respiratory problems.

Chiropractic, through gentle techniques adapted to each baby and child, helps not only to overcome symptoms, but to have an optimal and healthy development throughout all stages of their life - from 0 to 99 years.

Bebé a gatinhar feliz - consultas quiropráticas para crianças e bebés
Irmãos bebé e criança deitados felizes - consultas quiropráticas para crianças e bebés
Quiroprático, ou quiroprata, a ajustar o pescoço a criança pequena
Quiroprata a ajustar bebé na clínica quiroprática Duarte Portas Lisboa

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